“Sustainable leadership” : un podcast avec l’expert Niels Brabandt
“Sustainable leadership” : exploration de l’UltraPerformance… pour notre monde de demain
#ZephirProject #leadership #ultraperformance #sustainableleadership #interview #replay
3 minutes de moments clefs ici (sous-titrés) ainsi que la version complète de l’interview en fin d’article.
Depuis plus de 20 ans, Niels Brabandt accompagne les leaders sur le concept de leadership durable. Reconnu mondialement comme une référence sur ce sujet, Niels dispense conférences, ateliers et coaching.
L’aventure Zephir centrée sur l’UltraPerformance retient toute son attention par sa singularité managériale. Après un podcast à succès pendant la crise 2020, Niels lance une série d’interviews vidéos sur sa toute nouvelle chaîne YouTube.
Très honoré d’être le premier intervenant de Niels.
Sustainable leadership, a deep exploration about UltraPerformance… to serve our world of tomorrow!
3′ of key moments above (subtitled)
For more than 20 years, Niels Brabandt has guided top leaders to implement the concept of sustainable leadership. He is considered as a worldclass reference on this topic through his talks, workshops and trainings delivered worldwide. UltraPerformance applied to the ZephirProject adventure is an exciting field of exploration for Niels.
After a very successful podcast during the 2020 crisis, he’s launching his new videocast in a new YouTube chanel.
Niels wrote:
“Marc Amerigo: engineer, project manager, World Record Achiever. However, one World Record is not enough for him. With a global team of experts, he sets out to achieve another one. ZEPHIR Project was born. Reaching out to achieve Ultra Performance by delivering outstanding Project Management, Leadership and more. In this interview, he gives us insights into his approaches, ideas and plans.”
Such a great honour to be Niels’ first guest speaker about sustainable leadership!
Niels Brabandt: NB@NB-Networks.com / http://www.nb-networks.com/
Such a great honour to be his first guest speaker!
#leadership #sustainability #innovation #management #performance #ultraperformance #highperformance #humanpower #podcast #nielsbrabandt
The full interview here below
Marc Amerigo: engineer, project manager, World Record Achiever. However, one World Record is not enough for him. With a global team of experts, he sets out to achieve another one. ZEPHIR Project was born. Reaching out to achieve Ultra Performance by delivering outstanding Project Management, Leadership and more. In this interview, he gives us insights into his approaches, ideas and plans. Marc Amerigo: m.amerigo@enginova.fr Niels Brabandt: NB@NB-Networks.com Subscribe to this channel to stay informed about future interviews.