The dynamics of the Zephir Project are such that it is taking off without being held back by the crisis and its difficulties.
At the end of November 2021, we tested the first prototypes resulting from our studies and simulations in difficult weather conditions (see video above) before going on in 2022.
On December 3, 2020, we experienced the official launch of #ZephirProject with 4 days of world premiere in the wind tunnel, first in Magny-Cours at ACE and then at IAT-CNAM in Saint-Cyr l’Ecole.
These days allowed the team to explore further the flows on Antoine Albeau’s world record material, as well as a “motion capture” of the dynamic movement of his sails and body using animation film technologies. For analysis purposes, “conceptual designs” developed at Centrale Lyon 30 years ago and other prototypes have been the subject of new experiments.