My Workshops
«A workshop is firstly the creation of a magical atmosphere in a group of people, in order to work on specific concepts and teach them efficiently. The objective : we want everyone to get used to the tools needed for himself and for his team. My approach is centered on active participation using outstanding images, story-telling and the digital tool SparkUp. The run of the sequencies make people get out of their « comfort zone ». They are emotionally impacted, they can assimilate the key points more easily and produce high level brainstorming & content.”
using neuroscience combined with the digital tool SPARKUP
Key points
Do you want to fully engage people in your organisation in the future of your company?
If the answer is YES, then this workshop “Strategic Collaborative Brainstorming” is made for you. It will allow you to produce relevant content to tackle your operational challenges and act. In small groups and as individuals, we will brainstorm to bring solutions to the table – This process will be repeated as needed.
In 4 stages, we will create the output to solve your challenges:
- An introductory presentation with a tailored format and duration (click here to explore more)
- A collaborative reflection to discuss the key messages from the introductory presentation
- Summarise the issues that need to be tackled and prioritize their order (the work would have been predetermined with the client beforehand)
- Analyse the key messages for each specific issue and prioritize the actions to be taken to resolve it
After 2 hours of intense collaborative work, the client gets a digitalized roadmap of prioritized actions.
How to handle it? Which learning points for a decision maker in my everyday business? »

Key points of the Workshop
The extreme performance in extreme environments, whether it is through world records or world premieres, requires a very special vision from the leader and the manager, almost animal, as well as the ability to make clear decisions with potentially dramatic consequences.
The life of one or several people is at stake and the emotional part is omnipresent.
This participatory workshop, built on professional footages (see here) and personal experiences of this kind of “extreme” management of several world records and premieres, is a true immersion in the head of the decision-makers.
The exposed voluntarily raw pictures allow the participants to project themselves backstage in these key moments and to be confronted to their own emotions but also to their own analysis of the situation.
This immersion makes us feel these moments and the issues, share our vision, and get personal learnings back.
Key moments of the workshop
- Motivational introduction,
- Attendees organized in « project groups »,
- Actions to help each participant to dive mentally into the leader’s & manager’s skin,
- Series of 1-2 minute videos, each being followed by 3 working sequences,
- Projection of the backstage of a World Record or Premiere movie.
- Final Questions & Answers,
- Conclusion of the workshop