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Entrepreneur, Project Leader in complex environments, International Speaker

To put forward one’s own biography, an essential synthesis to show all of one’s experience and legitimacy is not an easy thing to do. My career path is rich in accumulated experiences, tortuous and yet coherent. Nature is well made and our life paths, however far-fetched they may seem, have a golden thread… a real quest in our existence!

I have not been spared with life orientations at the antipodes of each other and particularly difficult passages… to the point of pulling out one’s hair! And indeed, my credo is to always have tried to face “Chaos & Complexity” to reach “Performance & Harmony”! It’s not easy, but I’m holding on to the thread of my life: UltraPerformance through Human Empowerment!

ultraperformance The_Art_Of_Ultraperformance ultra-performance human_empowerment epanouissement_humain human decideurs decision-makers tribe tribu motivation depassement transformation innovation chaos performance harmonie management leadership commitment engagement harmony universal_responsibility responsabilité_universelle shiftyourbrain brainshift conférencier speaker seminar séminaire marc-amerigo

UltraPerformance, a new leadership model

Ever since I was a child, I have always been fascinated by the way men have surpassed themselves in their fighter planes or in the conquest of space. By embodying an innovative approach to leadership and management, I have been able to express myself fully in the most complex environments. My credo: to confront “Chaos & Complexity” to achieve “UltraPerformance & Harmony” by putting human fulfillment at the center of my concerns. My approach to leadership and management is to build performance on innovation and interdisciplinarity, on people and on surpassing oneself..

ultraperformance The_Art_Of_Ultraperformance ultra-performance human_empowerment epanouissement_humain human decideurs decision-makers tribe tribu motivation depassement transformation innovation chaos performance harmonie management leadership commitment engagement harmony universal_responsibility responsabilité_universelle shiftyourbrain brainshift conférencier speaker seminar séminaire marc-amerigo
Zephir Project : Antoine Albeau et Marc Amerigo, co-fondateurs

In application of my philosophy of UltraPerformance , my challenge for the next 3 years is to revolutionize the world of windsurfing and board sports in general: this is the ZEPHIR project, Humanity and Innovation pour des Records, a real laboratory for the organizations of tomorrow.

With Antoine Albeau, the most successful Frenchman with 25 world championship titles and numerous world speed records (current record 53.27 knots), we have put together a team of 80 people working in 50 companies around the world. We are creating the “augmented” windsurfing board to go for the world speed record for all sails combined, i.e. to pass 65.45 knots (over 121 km/h).

Discover our #ZephirProject adventure here. 

Entrepreneur, Project Leader… my background

  • Entrepreneur expert in Innovation and Performance in complex environments:
    • Founder and manager of several companies, including EngiNova, specialized in engineering and innovation from design to implementation:
      • in complex industrial environments such as nuclear power plants, aeronautics, automotive, shipbuilding…
  • in extreme high-speed sports: numerous World Records and firsts, since 1997 with Eric Barone 228Km/h in mountain bike, Edmond Plawczyk 203Km/h in snowboard.
    • Participation in numerous French and international press articles, television reports and international documentary films
  • Project leader
  • Professional international French/English speaker

To date, I have 25 years of experience in research and industry in France and abroad. An Entrepreneur at heart and a passionate manager of innovative projects (14 patents filed in automotive, industrial containment, temporary paint booths or light sail rigging), with strong leadership, I am always ready to push the limits with my team. As a fan of sensational sports since 1991, I put all my expertise into pushing the limits in extreme sports as well.

Contact Us

For any request for a talk, please send us a message and we will get back to you asap. Pour toute demande de conférence, merci de nous envoyer un message, nous reviendrons vers vous rapidement.