House of PREEMINENCE (HOP) 07-2021 Interview by Jenni P. Parker Brown

 In News, News Conferences, News Education, News Exploration, News UltraPerformance, Zephir

?? ?? House of PREEMINENCE / Leadership for women and men: An Ode To A Limitless Life and Making a Difference Through Innovation

with Marc Amerigo and with Jenni P. Parker Brown

By returning to the source of the human being and his natural connection to himself, by reconciling the technical and human dimensions in the form of a deep and assumed alliance, full of meaning and values, a new balance is accessible and it is right in front of our eyes!
It is what I call UltraPerformance through Human Empowerment.

House of Preeminence HOP - July 2021 issue - itw

Thought leader and Style Philosopher Jenni P, is an International Success Alignment Strategist for Ambitious Mission-led Women Entrepreneurs.

Founder of the House of Preeminence, Preeminence Magazine and the Ground Breaking Trinity Code™ method, Jenni P is on a mission raise the bar on generic business self-help systems by helping women tap into their own Genius and embody their own future.

This encounter has been a great moment of exploration. A warm Thank You Jennifer !

Here after what Jennifer wrote about our interview:

In this passionate and inspiring conversation Marc demystifies high-performance and brings it to the reach of anyone driven by hard, high goals.

Jenni and Marc share on how a life devoted to innovation and surpassing limits is really a philosophy for fulfilment and empowerment.
Marc describes why the flow state is so important for achievement of big dreams, and how feminine values and principles, human emotion and connection are essential for powerful teamwork that creates stellar results.

Leave ‘average’ behind for ever, and let yourself drop into the world of your highest life.
This is your invitation!


The full interview here below for House of PREEMINENCE about Leadership for women and men 

World Records & achievements regarding UltraPerformance through Human Empowerment:

House of Preeminence HOP - July 2021 issue - links

World Records and achievements regarding UltraPerformance through Human Empowerment

What an honor it is to help break down boundaries of leadership for women and men!

Subscribe here to this impressive monthly edition:
Warm Thank You to Jenni of course for this amazing exploration, and to Marcia Martin, co-editor and master connector
#ZephirProject #leadership #ultraperformance #sustainableleadership #interview #replay #thankyou #gratitude #inspiration #success #wellbeing #UltraPerformance

House of Preeminence HOP - July 2021 issue - Cover

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