Conference: Reaching PERFORMANCE & HARMONY in a complex environment, ULTRAPERFORMANCE!

This step-by-step transition between “Chaos & Complexity” and “Performance & Harmony” is the operational result of the BrainShift© method resulting from my scientific research and the challenges faced in industry and extreme sports.

ultraperformance The_Art_Of_Ultraperformance ultra-performance human_empowerment epanouissement_humain human decideurs decision-makers tribe tribu motivation depassement transformation innovation chaos performance harmonie management leadership commitment engagement harmony universal_responsibility responsabilité_universelle shiftyourbrain brainshift conférencier speaker seminar séminaire marc-amerigo
Marc Amerigo Leader de #ZephirProject aux côtés d'Antoine Albeau


Our world is becoming more and more complex and confronts us to higher individual and collective challenges, sometimes plunging us into this perception of Chaos & Complexity. Mother Nature is well made and offers us paths to success, the signs being quite often barely visible.

With the BrainShift method, we learn to be able to move forward and impact our environment in three key steps: get the best possible understanding of our environment, innovate by creating new and adapted tools, influence our environment and achieve results.

Thanks to this method, we are able to deal with “Chaos & Complexity” to reach “Performance & Harmony” for the future outings that we will have to tackle thanks to this new dimension: UltraPerformance!

(A few tips in our long version teaser below)

Contact Us

For any request for a talk, please send us a message and we will get back to you asap. Pour toute demande de conférence, merci de nous envoyer un message, nous reviendrons vers vous rapidement.