Leadership human dimension – Executive Master Ecole Polytechnique

 In News, News Conferences, News Education, News Exploration, News UltraPerformance

Quantum disruption of Leadership with the human dimension!!! 😉

I particularly appreciate these days of intervention on Leadership for the international class of 2024 of theExecutive Master of the Ecole Polytechnique de Paris. The title of this Executive Master’s program is Technology, Innovation Management, Leadership. It’s a sequence of lectures, question and answer sessions and workshops.

Everyone is really involved, and there’s a lot of exchange and sharing of experience. I just love it!

On October 04, 2024, for the 3rd session, it was a great moment and an immense honor.

The extraordinary human dimension of Leadership

After the Innovation, Tech and Performance angle in session 2, we switched to the extraordinary human dimension of Leadership.

At the heart of the day’s program, Hermès Garanger, the youngest female Lama in the West, spoke about our deepest inner selves and our relationship with others. Questions came thick and fast.

Hermès shared her path to becoming a Lama, and her retreat of 3 years, 3 months and 3 days, during which she practiced meditation intensively (14 hours a day) under sometimes difficult conditions.

She has always wanted to see how these teachings bring her insight and benevolence in her relationships with others. Today, neuroscience is helping us to understand these complex mechanisms of the brain, mind and spirit a little better. A fascinating read!

Meeting with Alain Aspect, Nobel Prize in Physics 2022

And in the middle of the day, we had the incredible privilege of meeting and listening to Alain Aspect, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. His groundbreaking work focused on “quantum entanglement and the non-locality revolution”. His experiments were completed in the early 1980s. 40 years ago! https://lnkd.in/eYv_8xUN

Mr. Aspect, a pioneer in quantum computing, is an extraordinary example of ultimate intelligence. He embodies self-sacrifice in his life’s mission, humility, passion for Science, for Einstein, Bohr and Bell.

His simple humor, with a touch of self-mockery, hits the nail on the head. A true delight!

So why don’t you judge for yourself with this short extract I’ve captured… here

We go back exactly 2 years, to October 4, 2022, the day of his nomination.

In 14 minutes, his life is turned upside down at the Pantheon of Science, and he finds himself “dressed as a penguin”, as he so aptly puts it.

90 extraordinary minutes! Many thanks

Thanks to Ecole Polytechnique de Paris and the Executive Master Ecole Polytechnique team for this very unique day.

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